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Posts tagged ‘Stock’

On Winter Cleansing

We are barely into the New Year, and already I’ve heard people talking about cleanses and detoxes and other extreme eating regimes they are planning for January or February, so I’m just going to come right out and say this: Read more

Nourishing Mothers

IMG_1175A quick pre-Mothers’ Day post to thank mothers all over the world for nourishing us in so many ways. Providing nourishment does not necessarily mean providing a meal.  Our commerce-driven society seems to have this all mixed up, with marketers often suggesting that home cooking is the same thing as mother-love.

Some of the most loving mothers I know do not cook at all –ever —  for their children or anyone else; they nourish their off-spring (and their other loved ones and friends) by Read more

Taking Stock From Thanksgiving

Anytime stock pot

After the excesses of Thanksgiving, I like to have a few days of brothy soups to clear the body of all that stuffing. I am always surprised by how easy it is to make a nourishing bowl of aromatic broth from modest beginnings. Think of it — an old carcass, some water and a paltry handful of vegetables, add some heat, skim a bit and soon you have a steaming bowl of flavorful stock — really, turning dust into gold is nothing compared with this type of alchemy.

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Once you’ve made a nice pot of stock, here are some ideas for filling, broth-based meals.


Poach a couple of boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a quart or two of stock infused with gratings of fresh ginger, a star anise or perhaps a stalk of Read more